Meagan made a beautiful bride and the illuminating light that filled the skies during her bridal session was an adequate representation of the infectious light she so effortlessly imparts to those around her. Throughout the planning of her wedding, she frequently mentioned that many aspects of their wedding day “might not be great” but it was her. At every mention of this, I heeded against her worries with reminders that a wedding is a ceremony unifying two persons before Christ, followed by a celebration of those persons and the love and life they have chosen to share… all of which occurs because of two people; her wedding should in fact, be her.
In the end, her loose curls and flowing braid, the touch of baby’s breath, her simplistic studded earrings, her ballet slippers… were all the breathtaking outworkings of her just choosing to be her. Even through my reassurances, I don’t think that I could ever fully express to Meagan the joy and awe I held for her desire to exalt the purpose and significance of marriage, Christ through that marriage, and humility through it all. To say again, in light of this, Meagan made a beautiful bride.
“The event of falling in love is of such a nature that we are right to reject as intolerable the idea that it should be transitory. In one high bound it has overleaped the massive of our selfhood; it has made appetite itself altruistic, tossed personal happiness aside as a triviality and planted the interests of another in the centre of our being. Spontaneously and without effort we have fulfilled the law (towards one person) by loving our neighbour as ourselves. It is an image, a foretaste, of what we must become to all if Love Himself rules in us without a rival. It is even (well used) a preparation for that.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves
Photography | Courtney Woodham Photography
Makeup | Makeup by Brittany Windham